At school I was described as "shy and retiring, something of a loner". I was not very gregarious. Those of you that know me from work will not recognise the first, but perhaps the second. I still don't particularly like pubs and other large social gatherings. Some places I have worked, it was de rigueur to go to the pub after work, sometimes once a week, but other times more frequently. This allows you to join the inner sanctum, become one of the favoured few, thereby progressing. Sometimes there is also a cost, other than that of the drinks, including alcohol dependency, missing out on children growing up, strained relationships, divorce, as well as health issues, and some questionable work practices. Fortunately, I avoided most of the down side, by not attending. Frequently quoting the railway's zero tolerance, and random testing for alcohol, and other substances in the blood. As an aside, it still amazes me how many people in the railway industry post on social media what a wonderful time they are having at, such and such a place, which could lead you to surmise, that they may be imbibing in alcohol consumption in a timeframe which if the case, would result in them still having some alcohol in their blood at work. It is an interesting risk, as failure of a test is instant dismissal and banned from the industry for life. A severe consequence for going out and posting on line. They could of course not be drinking alcohol, just having a good time.